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Editorial and Submission Policies (SSHJ)

Editorial and Submission Policies: 
To assist the SSHJ Editorial Staff in processing your manuscript efficiently, please follow these basic guidelines. Following these steps will ensure that our team can review your journal article promptly, and without additional work on your part. We reserve the right to reject, without further review, any submission that does not follow these guidelines or meet our high academic standards.
Manuscripts should be between 2,500 and 8,000 words in length, not including front or back matter, or between 800 and 1200 words for book reviews.
Only articles written using Microsoft Word (*.doc), and images in (*.jpeg) formats will be accepted; no *.PDF, *.TIFF or *.HEIC files. 
The Journal's citation style is Chicago-Turabian, using end-notes, numbered in Arabic, super-script numerals, and including a complete, correctly formatted bibliography.
The narrative and notes are to be in 12-point Times New Roman, and the paragraphs double-spaced with a one-inch margin on all sides of the page. 
A cover page, separate from the manuscript, must contain the following information; author's name, as they would like it to appear in print, school affiliation, if any, email address, and phone number. 
The cover sheet must also include a statement affirming that the manuscript is not previously published material or submitted elsewhere for publication. 
The author's name should not appear on the manuscript or book review to preserve the anonymity of the double-blind review process.
In addition to the narrative, each journal article must include a 100-150 word abstract and a list of 8-10 keywords.
SSHJ is always short of book reviews, so those received get immediate attention and are fast-tracked for publication.
We encourage authors to incorporate at least one, but no more than five, images into with their articles. Images might be photographs, paintings, illustrations, or maps.
However, images must be of the author's creation or in the public domain. 
A caption and source information must accompany every image. Ex: "Phineas Taylor Barnum, July 5, 1810 – April 7, 1891, photographed by Matthew Brady. National Portrait Gallery NPG.97.63."
Our publisher prints the Journal using black text and grayscale images. Images should be approximately 300 dpi resolution.
SSHJ reserves the right to publish articles without any of the supplied images, substitute images that do not meet the minimum standards, or limit the number of images in an article or an issue because of space limitations.
To request additional information or submit complete articles for publication, email the Editor-in-Chief at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .
Paper #1
Paper #2
Paper #3
Book Review #1
Book Review #2
Museum Review #1
Museum Review #2
Battlefield Tour
Public Domain Images Internet Archives
Naval History Photographic Library
Smithsonian Open Access
Wikimedia Commons