Middle East Dialogue

Middle East Dialogue
Next Event: Friday, March 18, 2022 (EST)
Previous event:
Friday, March 19, 2021
See the 2021 Program and the 2021 videos
In the wake of the challenges posed by the current pandemic, PSO conferences will be virtual for the time being, and will be hybrid when that becomes possible, which should enable wider participation than before as that will mean including both live and virtual presentations. Early registration will help us handle the logistics and keep you informed. The PSO conferences will be held and are in cooperation with American Public University System.

The Middle East Dialogue (MED) has established an international reputation as a focal point for new research, and a forum for the exchange of opinions and different views. The event is for policymakers, scholars, business and social leaders, to discuss current issues. Its purpose is to promote multidisciplinary conversation about topics that include, but are not limited to:
- Education Initiatives
- Social, Economic and/or Political Reforms
- Syrian Civil War
- Peace initiatives
- Interfaith dialogue
- Nuclear proliferation
- Israel/Palestinian conflict
- Women's gains and challenges
- Terrorism
- Issues of stereotyping, bias, and media representation
- Entrepreneurship
- Technological innovation
- Addressing the Biden administration
Other topics are welcome. Our goal is to promote multidisciplinary conversation and networking across the social and political spectrum. You may visit our Digest of Middle East Dialogue journal for an idea of the variety of topics covered. You may also check out the links to programs and videos from previous years in the links below.
The call for proposals is now open for the 2022 Middle East Dialogue. To submit a proposal for consideration, please send a 1-2 pages abstract to PSO Executive Director, Daniel Gutierrez, at
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. The early deadline will be January 7th 12, 2022. Proposals can be in the form of individual presentations, panels, round tables. Other suggestions on topics and format will be most welcome.
A panel of reviewers from the Digest of the Middle East Studies International Editorial Board will recommend select papers for publications in the peer-reviewed journal, DOMES, published by Wiley-Blackwell.
The Forum is co-chaired by A.Kadir Yildirim of the Baker Institute for Public Policy at Rice University and the Editor-in-Chief of Digest of Middle East Studies (DOMES), Prof. Paul Rich, President of the Policy Studies Organization, and Prof. Laura Culbertson from American Public University System.
Registration Information:
Thanks to the kindness of sponsors the registration fee is complimentary but registration is important so we can send you instructions for participating and viewing sessions via the Zoom platform.
Previous Programs: