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Space Education & Strategic Applications

Online ISSN: 2693-2466
Space Education & Strategic Applications is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License
Current Issues
Honorary Advisory Board
Dr. Wally Boston, American Public University System
Dr. Vernon Smith, American Public University System
Dr. J.D. Polk, American Public University System Board of Trustees Member, Senior Medical Officer, NASA
Dr. Wade Dyke, American Public University System 
Professor Chandra Wickramasinghe, University of Buckingham
Advisory Board
Ahmed Naumaan, American Public University System
Ed Albin, American Public University System
Editorial Board
Ahmed Abaza, American Public University System
Wendy Achilles, American Public University System
Jon Adams, American Public University System
Yvette Aguiar, American Public University System
Jason Anderson, American Public University System
Ivan Gulmesoff, American Public University System
Kevin Pohl, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Jonathan Black, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Jonathan Pitt, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Edward Colbert, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Jared Clements, Applied Technology Associates (ATA) Aerospace
Tyler Murphy, Applied Technology Associates (ATA) Aerospace
Lee Jasper, Space Dynamics Laboratory
Charlene Jacka, Air Force Research Laboratory/ RVEN
Brenda Dingwall, NASA GSFC Wallops Flights Facility
Robert Twiggs, Twiggs Space Lab, LLC
Matt Craft, Twiggs Space Lab, LLC
Sean Mulligan, Virginia Commercial Space Flight Authority
Hank Voss, NearSpace Launch, Inc.
Joyce Winterton, NASA GSFC Wallops Flights Facility
Dale Nash, Virginia Commercial Space Flight Authority
Brian Crane, Virginia Commercial Space Flight Authority
Matt Orvis, NearSpace Launch, Inc.
Joseph Zemen, Missouri State University
Ivan Gulmesoff, American Public University System
Kristen Miller, American Public University System
Katelyn Milliman, American Public University System
Arnauld Nicogossian, George Mason University
Kristen Drexler, American Public University System
Scott Van Hoy, American Public University System
Catherine Taylor, American Public University System
Adam Potter, American Public University System
Kandis Boyd Wyatt, American Public University System


The SESA is a peer reviewed, international, multidisciplinary, open-access journal intended to serve and inform the space community of most recent advances in Space Education, Space Research, and Space Applications in this rapidly expanding field. The Journal is published bi-annually. 
As an academic journal, SESA welcomes work from those who are studying, teaching, and/or working in the space studies field. SESA is also open-access and therefore an appropriate venue for works-in-progress, already-published articles, conference papers, dissertations, theses and senior-level graduate research are all appropriate contributions.
Areas of Interest
All manuscripts submitted will be peer-reviewed by appropriate discipline experts for currency, originality, and relevancy to advancing knowledge and benefiting readers interested in the fields of space education, research, and applications. The following are some of the areas of interest, but not limited to:
1.       Astronomy and astrophysics
2.       Planetary sciences and search for life in the Solar System
3.       Space security and defense,
4.       Satellites, with applications to weather forecasting, disaster management, navigation, archeology, agriculture, earth and atmospheric science,
5.       Communications, navigation, artificial intelligence, interplanetary internet, and health informatics,
6.       Space debris and asteroid tracking presenting threats to life on Earth and in Space,
7.       Life in the universe and habitable planets,
8.       Human space flight and emergency rescue,
9.       Space medicine, crew and space traveler health and life support systems,
10.   Human spaceflight simulations, training, crew selection and analogs,
11.   Space policy, economics, law and international conventions,
12.   Space operations, logistics and architecture,
13.   Space systems design and bioengineering [including robotics and artificial intelligence],
14.   Planetary protection.
To submit your manuscript, please send directly to  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Publication Schedule
Spring/Summer (April)
Proposals due: February 1
Peer reviews: February 2 – 28
Author edits: March 1 – 30
Publication: May 15
Fall/Winter (October)
Proposals due: August 1
Peer reviews: August 2 – 30
Author edits: September 1 – 30
Publication: October 15
Call for Papers (ongoing)
Author Guidelines
Original research and review of the paper should follow the APA style guidelines Recommended guidelines for the manuscript preparation should follow the following outline.
a. Abstract
Abstract is a summary of the paper with the same headings and 2 to 3 sentences for each section [purpose, background, etc.,].
b. Objective [purpose] 
One or 2 sentences [start with “to explore or discuss, or review, etc.]
c. Background 
A short introduction reviewing the current knowledge base and historical background [with references]. Describe what is known and why it is important. 
d. Methods 
Methods include: search words and key terms, search engines, manuscript inclusion criteria [language, source, year, types of publications, etc.] rating approach, i.e., subjective rating [see discussion paper]. Note that the analysis of the strength of evidence is qualitative and subjective.
Depending on the type of the submission [research, review, book, opinion, editorial etc.] methods used may be quantitative, quantitative, comparative, mixed, collaborative, action-oriented, and/or critical in substance.
e. Results
     - Cite the number, type and the strength of evidence of referenced publications. Information can be presented in a table format with the summation of the literature presented in columns: First author, Name of the publication, Method used [can substitute type of publication, such as systematic reviews, original research, etc.], 
     - Results, and Strength of EvidenceProvide info on the literature searches, which includes the number of references meeting the inclusion criteria, and their strength of evidence: the robustness will be defined by a qualifier such as: strong, good, fair, poor or not available].
f. Discussion 
Should address and describe the salient findings of the surveyed publications and existing knowledge base, including
     - The prevailing political climate (globally and in the region/country under consideration),
     - Ethical dilemma associated with proposed solutions,
     - The legislative background of the topic under consideration and potential policy/political solutions.
g. Conclusion 
Summarize the strength of the evidence and/or applicability to practice, standards, policies or system design
h. Limitations and bias
Primarily describing the adequacy of the knowledge-base, concerns with findings and recommendations, and research gaps as appropriate.
i. References/Citations
Most recent peer-reviewed references on the subject matter meeting the inclusion criteria; minimize the use of non-peer reviewed citations including websites.
j. Conflicts of Interest
Regardless of the type of submission, all authors should provide information on potential conflicts of interest such as sources of funding, prior submission of the manuscript to other publishers, prior presentations, etc.