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Indian Politics & Policy

Online ISSN: 2573-8054
Aims and scope
Indian Politics and Policy aims to be the primary journal for studying contemporary Indian politics. We will consider submissions that analyze all aspects of Indian policies and political processes. We invite original work that demonstrates theoretical rigor, sound empirical research and policy relevance. We also welcome review articles, proposals for special issues and research forums on contemporary topics.
Editorial policy
After initial screening, the editors will send manuscripts to independent, anonymous experts in the field for double-blind reviews. Only manuscripts that are considered ready for publication will be sent for review. Indian Politics and Policy seeks to publish original research – by original we mean work that has not been published elsewhere. Contributors should not submit significant portions of previously published work. We will not publish research that has already been published elsewhere. In case of any question of overlap, the authors should send a copy of the earlier work to the editors to make a determination. Authors are also advised to not submit work that they have submitted elsewhere.
Submissions should adhere to the following guidelines:
Length: manuscripts should be 6000-8000 words in length. Review articles are shorter
Preparation: all manuscripts should be prepared using MS Word. The text and notes should be typed using a 12-point font in Times New Roman and should be double-spaced with one-inch margin on all sides. All pages (including those with tables and diagrams only) should be numbered sequentially. All tables and diagrams should be numbered
Style guide: please refer to the journal's style guide while preparing the manuscript. Submissions must exclusively use endnotes for all citations. Manuscripts cannot be reviewed unless basic style guidelines are met. Authors are responsible for making sure that the initial through final versions of the manuscript conform to this style guide
Abstract and Keywords: please include a 150-word summary/abstract of the main argument and the main findings. Also include a list of 5-10 keywords with your initial submission.
Clean manuscript: to protect the integrity of the peer-review process, we ask that at least one copy of the manuscript should be devoid of any self-identification of the author(s)
Contact information of author(s): on a separate sheet, please submit the names, affiliations, mailing addresses, and e-mail addresses of author(s). In case of multiple authors, please identify the corresponding author. Also include a statement that the work being submitted has not been published and also, that it has not been submitted simultaneously for publication elsewhere