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Seymour Martin Lipset Library

Chairs: Professor Larry Diamond, Professor Paul Rich
Honorary Vice Chairs: Bruce Bueno de Mesquita, John Ferejohn, Alex Inkeles, Sydnee Lipset.

The Policy Studies Organization sponsors the Seymour Martin Lipset Library in the Centennial Center of the American Political Science Association headquarters in Washington,D.C. The Committee includes those who wish to support a comfortable permanent facility for visiting students and scholars, honoring the long and distinguished career of one of America's leading researchers. Dr. Lipset is the only person to have served as both president of the APSA and of the American Sociological Association. Anyone who wishes to contribute to the library endowment is invited to send contributions to the:

American Political Science Association
1527 New Hampshire Avenue NW
Washington DC 20036

All contributions are permanently placed in the endowment of the APSA for the benefit of the library, and the donors will be permanently recognized in the library.

Attractive opportunities are available for naming portions of the library facilities and for the gift of appreciated securities and a variety of annuities. Gifts should be sent directly to the APSA, earmarked for the library endowment.

Thanks to Wiley-Blackwell,publisher of the PSO journals Review of Policy Research, Policy Studies Journal, and Politics & Policy, the Seymour Martin Lipset Library includes a wide and current variety of social science journals.

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