ICC 2021

Friday, November 5, 2021
Virtual meeting
*In the wake of the challenges posed by the current pandemic, PSO conferences will be virtual for the time being, and will be hybrid when that becomes possible, which should enable wider participation than before as that will mean including both live and virtual presentations. Early registration will help us handle the logistics and keep you informed. The PSO conferences will be held and are in cooperation with American Public University System. The conference is free and open to the public, thanks to our sponsors.

The purpose of this conference is to promote interdisciplinary dialogue about topics related to criminology in its broadest context, including causes, consequences both on a micro and macro level, control, and prevention. The event brings together academics, policymakers, NGOs, business and social leaders from a variety of backgrounds, for discussion about issues. The conference mirrors the interest of the PSO and its partners in fostering conversation about pressing policy concerns, and is sponsored by the Policy Studies Organization, the International Journal on Criminology, and the American Public University System.
Papers, roundtables, panels, are invited. We seek proposals based on the multidisciplinary study of the criminal phenomenon, making use of the humanities and social sciences to understand crime, criminals, victims, and society's reaction to crime. We look for proposals that take critical approaches to criminality, and incorporate risk prevention and risk management strategies that take into account the dynamics of crime and the ethical and political stakes surrounding it. Papers and panels are invited as well on gun control, including the role of the NRA and issues on a state and municipal level. Other topics include, but are not limited to:
• Impeachment
• Class and Crime
• Community Policing
• Crime and Terrorism
• Crime Prevention
• Criminal Behavior
• Criminal Justice Systems and Practices
• Community Policing
• Crime and Terrorism
• Crime Prevention
• Criminal Behavior
• Criminal Justice Systems and Practices
• Criminal Justice Systems, Reform & Practices
• Criminology Theory
• Cybercrime
• Ethical Issues
• Forensic Science
• Gender Issues
• Issues of Recidivism
• Juvenile Delinquency and Crime
• Mass Incarceration
• Penology
• Police Education and Training Reforms
• Pro-active Policing
• Solitary Confinement
• Use of Parole and Probation
• Using GIS and GPS
• White-Collar Crime
• Gun Control
The Broad Scope of Criminology:
The Policy Studies Organization and Westphalia Press are committed to a very broad view of criminology and to supporting the subject not only in the classroom and in academic research, but in its practice by the bar, law enforcement, and judicial professionals. We also welcome those who offer analysis and insight through fiction and art, as indeed we do in all our conferences. Our umbrella is a big one and we invite participation by both scholars and, we emphasize, by practitioners. An aim of the conference is to promote interchange between people working in various aspects of the subject who might otherwise not meet, and to publish the papers that are given in both journal and book form, and to make the presentations available in online video for their use in teaching and training.
To submit a proposal:
Please email a 1-2 page proposal to PSO Executive Director, Daniel Gutierrez, at
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. No specific format is preffered, but proposals should be a summary or overview of your intended presentation, including footnotes where appropriate. The final deadline for submission will be October 20th, 2021. Proposals submitted by this date will be given preference.
Conference co-chairs:
Alain Bauer is a Professor of Criminology at the French National Conservatory for Arts and Crafts (Paris), and Senior Research Fellow at the John Jay College of Criminal Justice (New York) and the University of Law and Political Science of China (Beijing). Alain is also the Editor-in-Chief for the International Journal of Criminology.
Dr. Paul J. Rich is the president of the Policy Studies Organization.
Prof. David Rand is the Faculty Director from the School of Security and Global Studies at American Public University System
Information on Previous Conferences: