Policy and Complex Systems Volume 5, Number 1, Spring 2019
Click to view Volume 5, Number 1 below:
Table of Contents
Editor's Letter
Mirsad Hadzikadic
doi: 10.18278/jpcs.5.1.1
Meta-Decision Modeling of Wicked Environmental Policy Design Problems: Understanding Conservation Versus Development Valuation Conflicts in Tanzanian, Vietnamese, and Peruvian Social–Ecological Systems
Asim Zia
doi: 10.18278/jpcs.5.1.2
A Systems Thinking Approach for Targeted Population Health Management in the United States: Recommendations for Caregivers, Biotechnologists, Digital-technologists, and Policymakers
Hector Hugo Caicedo
doi: 10.18278/jpcs.5.1.3
Reflections On the Use of Complexity-Appropriate Computational Modeling for Public Policy Evaluation in the UK
Pete Barbrook-Johnson, Corey Schimpf, and Brian Castellani
doi: 10.18278/jpcs.5.1.4
Modeling Evolving Agency in a Social Context
E. Dante Suarez
doi: 10.18278/jpcs.5.1.5
Modeling Tax Distribution in Metropolitan Regions with PolicySpace
Bernardo Alves Furtado
doi: 10.18278/jpcs.5.1.6
The Dynamical Organizations Theory: Openness, Synthesis, and Emergence | A Retrospective Case Study: Stories of Change
R. N. Knowles
doi: 10.18278/jpcs.5.1.7