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Policy and Complex Systems Volume 3, Number 2, Fall 2017


Click to view Volume 3, Number 2 below:

Table of Contents
Scenarios of Social Conflict Dynamics on Duplex Networks
Miron Kaufman, Sanda Kaufman, Hung The Diep
 doi: 10.18278/jpcs.3.2.1 
Modeling Social Media Effect on Civil Revolutions
Nazmiye Gizem Bacaksizlar, Mirsad Hadzikadic 
 doi: 10.18278/jpcs.3.2.2
Modeling Genocide at the System and Agent Levels
Elizabeth M. von Briesen, N. Gizem Bacaksizlar, Misrad Hadzikadic
 doi: 10.18278/jpcs.3.2.3 
Dynamics of Intergovernmental Networks: Harnesing Agent-Based Modeling Simulations for Resilient Infrastructures
 Asim Zia & Christopher Koliba 
 doi: 10.18278/jpcs.3.2.4
Education System Intervention Modeling Framework
Pratik Mital, Roxanne A. Moore, Donna C. Llewellyn
doi: 10.18278/jpcs.3.1.5

Censorship as/and Social Good: Modeling the Publication of Mark Twain's Autobiography

 Jeremy Throne 

 doi: 10.18278/jpcs.3.1.6


Modeling Complexity in Human Built Systems: New Approaches, New Findings in Foster Care 

Fred Wulczyn, John Halloran 

doi: 10.18278/jpcs.3.1.7


A Novel Evolutionary Algorithm for Mining Noisy Survey Datasets with an Application Toward Combating Chagas Disease
John P. Hanley, Donna M. Rizzo  
doi: 10.18278/jpcs.3.1.8
Modeling a Victim-Centered Approach for Detection of Human Trafficking Victims Within Migration Flows
Brant M. Horio, Kyle Ballard
doi: 10.18278/jpcs.3.1.9
Simulating Heterogeneous Farmer Behaviors under Different Policy Schemes: Integrating Economic Experiments and Agent-Based Modeling
 Shang Wu, Asim Zia, Mengyuan Ren, Kent Messer
 doi: 10.18278/jpcs.3.1.10
Citizen-centric Government Services Ecosystem: An Agent-based Approach to the Theory of Planned Behavior
 James R. Thompson, Trevor Caskey, Alison Dingwall, Zoe Henscheid 
 doi: 10.18278/jpcs.3.1.11
Plato's Cave to Unite Americans and Save Democracy but Not Without Analytics 
 Maury Seldin, Liz Johnson 
 doi: 10.18278/jpcs.3.1.12