Internet Learning Volume 1, Number 1, Fall 2012
Click below to view Volume 1, Number 1, Fall 2012:
Table of Contents
The Professor as Craftsman in the Digital Age
Frank McCluskey
doi: 10.18278/il.1.1.1
An Inquiry into Relationships Between Demographic Factors and Teaching, Social, and Cognitive Presence
Angela M. Gibson, Phil Ice, Rob Mitchell, and Lori Kupczynski
doi: 10.18278/il.1.1.2
Assessing Virtual Students' Quiz Performance in Web-Mediated Synchronous Instruction
Ed Gibson
doi: 10.18278/il.1.1.3
Online Courses: Student Preferences Survey
Margaret Gillingham and Carol Molinari
doi: 10.18278/il.1.1.4
A Research Review about Online Learning: Are Students Satisfied? Why so Some Succeed and Others Fail? What Contributes to Higher Retention Rates and Positive Learning Outcomes?
George Lorenzo
doi: 10.18278/il.1.1.5
Ethical, Academic, and Practical Considerations for Online Teaching: Does the Search for Quality and Integrity Come at the Expense of Academic Freedom?
Manfred M. Meine, Thomas P. Dunn, and Robert Abbey
doi: 10.18278/il.1.1.6
Asynchronous Online Education Credit Hours by the Book
Frederick Carl Prasuhn
doi: 10.18278/il.1.1.7