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Call for Papers - Journal of Online Learning Research and Practice


Who We Are
Welcome to the journal, Journal of Online Learning Research and Practice, formerly Internet Learning Journal. The title reflects the scope of the journal. Our multiple delivery platforms represent collective vision and model present day innovation. Subject matter is the evolution of technology that online learning has brought to the academy. Since the University of Bologna was founded in 1088, instruction was done face to face with the technologies of speaking and writing. The digital revolution has now offered both enhancements and an alternative to the physical classroom. For the first time, we can look at classroom data, patterns of interaction, and patterns of learning fixed in data points. The digital revolution threatens to change how students learn, instructors teach, and education institutions manage data. We hope to become a forum for the larger issues of data collection, assessment,  and tools related to online learning.
Mission Statement
The aim of OLRP is to provide a venue for the publication of quality academic research with an emphasis on representing innovation in online teaching, learning, leadership, and scholarship.
Suggested topics: We cordially invite authors to submit high quality manuscripts (in the form of research papers, survey articles, book reviews, case studies, etc.) on aspects related to online teaching, learning, leadership, and scholarship including, but not limited to:
  • Growth of online learning
  • Online teaching and learning strategies
  • Online v f2f learning
  • Retention, progression and completion in online learning MOOCs
  • Growing ubiquity and applications of social media
  • Integration of online, hybrid, and collaborative learning
  • Rise of data-driven learning and assessment
  • Shift from students as consumers to students as creators
  • Evolution of online learning
  • Digital literacy
  • Relative lack of rewards for online teaching
  • Competition from new models of education
  • Scaling teaching innovations
  • Expanding online access
  • Learning analytics
  • Games and ramification
  • Virtual assistants
  • Virtual environments
  • Badges 
We encourage submissions from a variety of fields and disciplines, including those that focus on interdisciplinary research and practice.
Journal of Online Learning Research and Practice Articles for Submission
Submissions for review must be original works on the part of the authors, must not have been previously published, and must not be under review by another publisher. OLRP welcomes a multidisciplinary approach and papers on all aspects of the electronic learning revolution and the challenges and opportunities it presents. Topics may include, but are not limited to: innovative learning and teaching practices, instructional design, and the use of technology and multimedia resources. Articles on online pedagogy, as well as examples of "mixed" online and conventional teaching are also welcome.
Given the diversity of research and researchers across the globe, articles reflecting scientific, artistic, critical, conceptual works are all fitting contributions to OLRP. Methods used in articles may be quantitative, quantitative, comparative, mixed, collaborative, action-oriented, appreciative, and/or critical in substance.
We offer the following sections to which an author may submit his or her work:
  • Research
  • Theoretical
  • Practical
  • Pedagogical
  • Conceptual
  • 3 Questions for an Online Leader – This section is typically by invitation only, however nominations of an individual who has demonstrated leadership in the field of online learning will be considered.
  • Book Reviews
  • Media Reviews
  • Graduate Student/Emerging Scholar Section

Although the length of articles may greatly differ, prospective authors are advised to not exceed 30 pages in length (excluding title pages, references, tables, figures, etc.). Further, all submissions must follow the current issue of The Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association.

Because OLRP represents emerging and evolving innovations, in addition to the inclusion of text, we also highly recommend embedded non-textual forms of communication such as graphics, pictures, video, audio, etc. to enhance, illustrate, represent and “bring to life” the article topic. The inclusion of these elements is an important distinction between OLRP and other scholarly journals. Below are the file extensions preferred for online publication:
  • Audio – .mp3
  • Video – .mp4
  • Graphics/Images – .jpeg, 300ppi (a light black border around the video or graphic is acceptable to use in your manuscript).
Where To Send Submissions
All correspondence concerning articles should be directed to:
Dr. Kathleen Tate, Editor-in-Chief,
Journal of Online Learning Research and Practice
(formerly Internet Learning Journal)
American Public University System
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.