WCF 2017 - Program
Second World Conference on Fraternalism, Freemasonry,
and History 2017:
Research in Ritual, Secrecy, and Civil Society

The Bibliothèque nationale de France - Site François Mitterrand
Quai François-Mauriac, Paris, France
May 26-27, 2017
Wednesday, May 24
Pre-conference Workshop: The workshop will be at 2pm on Wednesday at the Museum of Freemasonry on rue Cadet. 1717 is the 300th anniversary of the Chevalier Ramsay's momentous edition of Fenelon's Telemaque: "The French literary historian Jean-Claude Bonnet calls Télémaque 'the true key to the museum of the eighteenth century imagination.'" The preconference workshop at the Museum of Freemasonry will examine reare documents related to Ramsay's Masonic influence, including the disputed versions of his 1737 oration that had such a large influence on the degrees. See the 1736 Discours Ramsay Epernay document.
May 25th is a national holiday and many cultural events are happening in Paris. There will be no formal conference activities on Thursday.
Friday May 26
Opening of the World Conference, Bibliothèque Nationale
9-9:30. Continental Breakfast, Registration in foyer of the Bibliothèque Nationale
Note: The schedule is organized by location: 1. Gran Auditorium, 2. Petit Auditorium, 3. Salle 70
1. Grand Auditorium
9:30-11:00. Plenary
Greetings and Introduction of Opening Plenary Panel by Guillermo De Los Reyes and Pierre Mollier, Conference Co-Chairs
“The Idea of Associating: Fraternalism and Civil Society”
Margaret Jacob, Naomi Taback, Natalie Bayer, María Eugenia Vázquez Semadeni
11:00-11:20. Coffee Break in foyer. Presentation of Bartholdi Award for Distinguished Scholarship
11:20-13:00. Eighteenth Century Origins and Consequences
Pierre Mollier, Chair
“Influence du conflit entre Whigs et Stuards sur la création de la Grande Loge de Londre et de la Grand Loge de France”
Louis Trebuchet
“Les Lumières et la Franc-maçonnerie allemande au début de 18ème siècle et plus tard”
Michel Warnery
“Lire les images de la Franc-maçonnerie: l'exemple des 'Gabanons' (1745)”
Philippe Langlet
“New Historical Perspectives: the higher degrees of the ‘French Rite’”
Cécile Révauger, Université Bordeaux Montaigne
13:00-14:00. Lunch Break. Movie Excerpts from "The Man Who Would Be King"
Guillermo Izabal, Chair
14:00-15:30. “The Various Versions of Ramsay’s Discourse”
Presentation by Alain Bernheim
Pierre Mollier, Chair
15:30-15:50. Coffee Break in foyer. Presentation of the Regulus Award by Pierre Mollier
15:50-17:30. “Restoring the Compagnonnage to Fraternal History: Further Considerations”
Margaret Jacob, Chair
“The Stone and the Compass: The Company of the Humanity of the Stonemasons of Tours: Cross Paths Between Compagnonnage, Mutualism, and Freemasonry”
Jean Michel-Mathonière, Centre d'étude des compagnonnages à Avignon
1. Petit Auditorium
11:30-12:00. “Music and Masonry”
Naomi Taback, Chair
India D'Avignon, California Polytechnic State University
14:00-18:00. “Freemasonry and Visual Arts: A Symposium”
Reva Wolf, State University of New York at New Paltz, and Alisa Luxenberg, University of Georgia, Athens, Chairs
Part 1: Freemasonry and the Exploration of Architecture
“Freemasonry in Eighteenth-Century Portugal and the Architectural Projects of the Marquis de Pombal”
David Martín López, University of Granada
“Building Codes: New Light on Baron Taylor and Les Voyages pittoresques et romantiques dans l’ancienne France”
Alisa Luxenberg, University of Georgia
“Reveil de l'Iran: Freemasonry and Artistic Revivalism from Parsi Bombay to Qajar Tehran”
Talinn Grigor, University of California, Davis
15:15-15:30. Coffee Break
Part 2: Art, Freemasonry, and Social and Political Upheaval
“Meissen Porcelain and the Order of the Pug”
Cordula Bischoff, independent scholar
“Goya’s Art and Freemasonry in Spain”
Reva Wolf, State University of New York at New Paltz
“Masonic Imagery in Haitian Vodou”
Katherine Marie Smith, New York University
Part 3: Transformations in the Art of Freemasonry in the U.S. from the Late Eighteenth Century to the 1960s
“‘Within the Compass of Good Citizens’: The Visual Arts of Freemasonry as Practiced by Paul Revere”
Nan Wolverton, American Antiquarian Society
“To Consummate the Plan”: Solomon’s Temple in Masonic Art, Architecture and Popular Culture, 1865-1930”
William D. Moore, Boston University
“‘A Change Is Gonna Come’: Imaging Black Freemasons from Emancipation to the 1960s”
Cheryl Finley, Cornell University, and Deborah Willis, New York University
3. Salle 70
11:00-12:00. “Three International Perspectives”
Guillermo Izabal, Chair
“Freemasonry and Natural Sciences in Late Eighteenth Century- Example of Georg Vega”
Matevž Košir, Archives of the Republic of Slovenia
“A Curious Swiss Certificate of 1779”
Michel Jaccard, former president of the ARGO
“The Practice of Freemasonry in the Islamic World Through the Most Ancient Masonic Ritual in Arabic”
Saïd Chaaya, UCLA Department of History
14:00-15:30. “Intellectual Antecedents, Foundations, and Linkages”
María Eugenia Vázquez Semadeni, Chair
“German Masonry, Monarchy, Protestantism: Linkages from the Napoleonic Wars to the Overthrow of the Crowns (1918)”
Ralf Bern Herden
“Jean-Baptiste Willermoz: Intellectual Failure or Masonic Mastermind”
Aaron Jedediah French, University of California, Davis
“Creating a Foundation for Fraternalism in America: Literary and Debating Societies in the US Colonial Colleges”
Wayne Kraemer and Ann Burnette
15:30-15:50. Coffee Break. Presentation of Kilwinning Award
15:50-17:30. “Contemporary Scholarship views Fraternalism”
Natalie Bayer, Chair
“The Fraternal Order of Elks: U.S. Drinking and Driving Laws' Impact on Elk Lodge Life: Exalted Rulers' Perceptions”
John C. Mero, Campbell University
“Contemporary Freemasonry: A Sociological Model of Member Involvement”
J. Scott Kenney
“Invisible Truth: Modeling Secularity through Language and Performance Games in Masonic Rituals”
Klaus-Jürgen Grün
“El tratamiento iconográfico de la Masonería. El caso de las series televisivas y la literatura / The Unfolding Iconographic Treatment of Freemasonry: The Case of the TV Series and Literature.”
Julio Martínez García, FuegoAmigo Co-Editor
17:30-18:00. “Regularity, Recognition and Painting Ourselves into the Corner Again: A Plenary Workshop Discussion”
Mike Kearsley, Gilbert Davau, John Belton, Chairs
Participants are invited to repair to a cafe to continue this discussion.
Saturday May 27
1. Grand Auditorium
9:00-9:30. Continental Breakfast. Foyer
9:30-10:45. Plenary
“James Anderson and the Myth of 1717”
Susan Sommers, Professor of History, Saint Vincent College
Mike Kearsley, Chair
10:45-11:00. Coffee Break
11:00 -13:00. “Aspects in Dispute: Past and Present of the French Masonic Scene”
Alain Bauer and Roger Dachez, Co-chairs
“Cartoons, Thrillers, and Freemasonry”
Alain Bauer, Alain Jacques Lacot (TBC), Didier Convard (TBC), Eric Giacometti (TBC), Jacques Ravenne (TBC)
“Lire les images de la franc-maçonnerie : l'exemple des 'Gabanons' (1745)”
Philippe Langlet
13:00-14:00. Lunch Break. Movie Excerpts
Guillermo Izabal, Chair
14:00-16:00. “Imperialism, Colonialism and Multiple Freemasonries” Part 2
Guillermo De Los Reyes, Chair
“El imperio contra el pueblo. ¿Presencia Masónica en la Semana Trágica de Barcelona (1909)?”
Sylvia Hottinger, Independent Scholar, CEHME, REHMLAC+
“Hermano moro, masonería y colonialismo en Protectorado Español de Marruecos (1931-1936)”
Valeria Aguiar Bobet, Universidad Jaume I de Castellón
“Impérialismes, maçonniques et… politique”
Yván Pozuelo Andrés, IES Universidad Laboral de Gijón, CEHME, REHMLAC+
“‘Civilizing the barbarians’: Freemasonries at the Service of Empires”
Ricardo Martínez Esquivel, Universidad de Costa Rica, CEHME, REHMLAC+
16:00- 16:20. Coffee Break
16:20-17:15. The “Ramsay Summation” – Grand Auditorium
Pierre Mollier, Cécile Révauger, Margaret Jacob, Alain Bernheim, Paul Rich, Guillermo De Los Reyes
2. Petit Auditorium
9:30-10:45. “Imperialism, Colonialism and Multiple Freemasonries” Part 1
Guillermo De Los Reyes, Chair
“Dependence and Autonomy: The English Freemasons and their Relations in Argentina and Brazil (1859-1935)
Felipe Côrte Real de Camargo, University of Bristol
“El discurso antimasónico católico en la defensa del imperio español. Entre antilumieres y contrarrevolución”
Felipe Santiago del Solar, Independent Scholar
“Imperialismo Fraterno: la pugna entre el GOF y la UGLE”
Rogelio Aragón, Universidad Iberoamericana, Mexico City
“The Revolutionary Morality of Freemasonry: Universal Justice and Solidarity since the Paris Commune”
Alhelí de María Alvarado-Díaz
10:45-11:05. Coffee Break
11:05-13:00. “Ramsay and His Relationships to Intellectual History”
Craig Remes, Chair.
“The Influence of the Scottish Poem ‘The Bruce of John Harbour’ (about 1375) on the Ramsay's Oration”
Francis Delon
“A Rereading of Ramsay's Oration 1737: The Dream of the Spiritual Empire in its Context of the New Catholic and Stuart Revival”
Pierre Besses & Louis Trebuchet
“The Paternity of Ramsay's Speeches: de La Motta, Madame de Guyon, and the Corridors of Power”
Arnaud Marquet
“Anton von Geusau's Conversations with Ramsay: An Examination of his Original Diary”
Reinhard Markner, University of Innsbruck
"Ramsay et le Jacobitisme, évolution d'une relation durable"
Sophie Desplanches
14:00-16:00. “Ramsey and His Disputed Contributions”
Andreas Önnerfors, Chair
“L’entourage spirituel de Ramsay en France: du ‘Pur Amour’ de Fenelon et Mme Guyon à la ‘Fraternité universelle’ / The Spiritual Company of Ramsay in France: How Fenelon and Guyon's ‘Pure Love’ Leads to the ‘Universal Brotherhood’ Concept”
Aymeric Le Delliou
“Ramsay's ideas on World Citizenship and Cosmopolitanism”
Andreas Önnerfors
“‘Les Voyages de Cyrus’ du Chevalier de Ramsay: entre roman spirituel et conte philosophique / Ramsay's ‘Voyages’: Between Spiritual Fiction and Philosophical Tale”
Samuel Macaigne
16:00.-16:20. Coffee Break
16:20-17:15. “Ramsay Summation” at the Grand Auditorium.
Pierre Mollier, Cécile Révauger, Margaret Jacob, Alain Bernheim, Paul Rich, Guillermo De Los Reyes
17:15. Closing Toast To WCF 2019, Foyer
3. Salle 70
9:30-10:30. “Italian Conundrums”
Paul Rich, Chair
Demetrio Xoccato
Emanuela Locci
Ljubinka Toševa Karpowicz, University of Ljubljana
Natalie Bayer, Chair
“The Sea Serjeants: A Jacobite Pseudo-Masonic Society in the Maritime Counties of South Wales in the First Half of the Eighteenth Century”
Francis Delon
11:00-11:20. Coffee Break
11:20-13:00. “Women and Freemasonry in Europe and the United States”
Natalie Bayer, Chair
“The GOdF and Gender Issues at the Turn of the Twenty-First Century”
Olivia Chaumont
“Women and Freemasonry in the 18th Century, a Comparative Study Between France, England, And Germany”
Marie-Anne Mersch, Université Bordeaux Montaigne
“Democracy and Expressing Oneself in Lodge: Similarities and Differences between Male and Female Lodges”
Celia Poulet, Université Bordeaux Montaigne
“Excluding/Including Women, an Issue for the Masonic Atlantic”
Cécile Révauger, Université Bordeaux Montaigne
14:00-14:45. Ramsay and Women
Mike Kearsley, Chair
“Women Operative Masons and Freemasons in the Time of Ramsey”
Karen Kidd
"Could the English Amazons be considered French Freemasons?"
Yves Hivert-Messeca
14:45-15:45. “The Cauldron of Masonic invention.”
Cécile Révauger, Université Bordeaux Montaigne, Chair
“Dégrés intermédiaires: additions au système des illuminés de Bavière récemment trouvées”
Reinhard Markner, University of Innsbruck
“The Scottish Rectified Rite: A French Masonic Exception”
Roger Dachez
“Historical Reconsiderations: Franz Joseph Haydn - The Man and the Mason, Mozart’s Masonic Music.”
David H. Lewis, University College, London
16:00-16:20. Coffee Break. Presentation of Award for Lifetime Achievement
16:20-17:15. “Ramsay Summation” - Grand Auditorium
Pierre Mollier, Cécile Révauger, Margaret Jacob, Alain Bernheim, Paul Rich
17:15. Closing Toast. To WCF 2019, Foyer