WCF 2022 - Preliminary Program
The Conference on Fraternalism, Social Capital, and Civil Society is coming back to Paris in 2022!
As we sadly postpoed the June 5th event in 2020 in Washington DC, we are now looking forward to the next edition of the conference in 2022 at the Grand Orient de France, in Paris. The Call for Proposals is now open!
The conference is about fraternalism and social capital. To submit a proposal please contact Daniel Gutierrez at
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. There is no attendance fee but registration is needed for catering and other arrangements. The preliminary list of speakers below will be continusously updated as we receive proposals.
If you had a paper in mind, our journal on Ritual, Secrecy, and Civil Society (RSCS) is at http://www.ipsonet.org/publications/open-access/ritual-secrecy-and-civil-society and warmly welcomes your submissions.
Conference on Fraternalism, Social Capital, and Civil Society

Preliminary List of Speakers
1. The Iconography of Mexican Freemasonry
Guillermo De Los Reyes, University of Houston
2. Saving Masonic Temples: The Crisis in Preservation
Paul Rich, Policy Studies Organization
3. The French Rite: Culture of the Enlightenment
The French Rite is directly inherited from the early English freemasonry which was the offspring of the Enlightenment, in the wake of the Glorious Revolution and of the 1689 Bill of Rights which put an end to divine right monarchy and, to a certain extent, emancipated Protestant Dissenters, in times of increased religious and political liberties.
The Grand Lodge of England, later called the Grand Lodge of “Moderns” by the Antients, conveyed the values of religious and political tolerance, as well as the belief in man’s capacity to improve himself and society thanks to knowledge and discovery, as exemplified by the significant number of English freemasons – Desaguliers and others- who were members of the Royal Society at the beginning of the century.
In France, the values of the Enlightenment were endorsed by several French philosophers and freemasons, including Montesquieu and Voltaire. Voltaire’s Lodge des Neuf Soeurs, among others, promoted the arts and sciences, religious tolerance and emancipation. The Enlightenment has left its imprint on the French Rite, which embodies its main values today, within the Grand Orient de France, but also in other Grand Lodges and other countries of the world.
George Serignac, Grand Master, Grand Orient De France
Introduction: From Early Freemasonry to the French Rite: The Culture of Enlightenment, Religious Tolerance, and Liberty of Conscience
Cécile Révauger, Grand Orient De France
The Culture of the Enlightenment: Lodges of Adoption and Democracy
Margaret Jacob, UCLA
Lumières, franc-maçonnerie et universalisme
Pierre Yves Beaurepaire
Pourquoi faut til défendre les Lumières aujorud’hui
Stéphanie Roza, chargée de recherches CNRS en philosophie politique
Les Lumières, une méthodologie de l’émancipation
Charles Coutel, Professor of Philosophy
Des maçons en quête de modernisation et de raison. Le voyage de Bode à Paris en 1787
Jean Mondot, Emeritus Professor, Université de Bordeaux Montaigne, director of the Académie Montesquieu in Bordeaux
Le Rite Français, quintessence de l’humanisme
Philippe Foussier, former Grand Master, Grand Orient de France
Roëttiers de Montaleau et le travail de la Chambre des Grades. Les grades symboliques
Pierre Mollier, Grand Orient De France
Sur la naissance des hauts grades en France
Roger Dachez
Les 81 grades du Rite Français, fruits des Lumières
Colette Léger
Closing: L’esprit des Lumières, les enjeux du Rite Français aujourd’hui
Philippe Guglielmi, Très Sage et Parfait Grand Vénérable du Grand Chapitre Général du GODF, Rite Français
5. The French Rite in America: 1794-1837
Joe Wages
6. Enlightened Ideas, Renaissance Culture: Syncretism and Emblems in Eighteenth Century English Freemasonry
Felipe Corte de Real Camargo
7. Influence de la RF et des idées des Lumières au Portugal
Joachim Grave Dos Santos
8. (Sujet à préciser)
Yvan Pozuelo
9. Les principes des Lumières au cœur de la refondation du GCG du GODF
Paul Leblanc
10. From “INRI” to “JURE”, the evolutions of the French Rite in 2000
Jean Charles Nehr, Former Chancellor of the 5th Order of the FR
11. Penser le Rite Français
Stephane Brunel, Conseiller de l’Ordre, GODF
12. Screening: The Man Who Would Be King
13. Concert: Mozart's Masonic Music
14. Title: TBD
Brent Morris, Supreme Council of the Scottish Rite Southern Jurisdiction
15. Title: TBD
Arturo De Hoyos, Supreme Council of the Scottish Rite Southern Jurisdiction