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Register for the Third Conference on Fraternalism, Social Capital, and Civil Society

Third Conference on Fraternalism, Social Capital, and Civil Society
3e Conférence Internationale
d’Histoire de la franc-maçonnerie
et des organisations fraternelles
 1000 Degrees: Constructing Fraternal Rites 
 Des rites pour construire la fraternité

June 13 - 15, 2019
The Bibliothèque Nationale - Paris, France
Bibliothèque nationale de France
Site Tolbiac-François Mitterrand
Quai François Mauriac - 75013 Paris
Vendredi 14 juin et samedi 15 juin 2019 
Policy Studies Organisation (Washington)   Musée de la franc-maçonnerie (Paris)  
*Simultaneous translation will be available for all sessions. Translation will be offered for the Thursday seminar. Refreshments will be available all day during the sessions. Registration is free but needed to provide for catering and translation headphones.
Eventbrite - 2017 International Criminology Conference
The World Conference on Fraternalism, Social Capital, and Civil Society, explores how associationalism and volunteerism have shaped democracy, politics, and history. The conferences are held alternatively in Paris (2019, 2021) in odd numbered years and in Washington in even numbered years (2018, 2020). The Paris conferences are held at the French national library, the Bibliothèque nationale de France, and the Washington conferences at the historic Quaker Meetinghouse. We are glad to offer complimentary registration thanks to sponsors, but we do need presenters and attendees to sign up so we can provide adequate catering and seating.
Papers are both published in the Ritual, Secrecy, and Civil Society journal, and in books by Westphalia Press, such as Getting the Third Degree: Fraternalism, Freemasonry and History. Simultaneous translation is offered at the French conference. Both Paris and Washington are preceded by workshops to which scholars are invited to consider original materials and problems in fraternal research.
Subjects have included labor and agricultural movements like the Knights of Labor and National Grange, Freemasonry, Eastern Star and Amaranth, Rotary, college and honor sororities and fraternities, religious groups like the Knights of Columbia, societies that expanded into insurance programs like the Woodsmen of the World, other aspects of freemasonry, clubs, lodges, labor unions, the place of ritual, ceremony and secrecy, and the implications for gender, race, religion, and political legitimacy. Equally welcome are considerations of how volunteerism in these movements contributes to democracy and political life. The conferences gain from having a variety of subjects discussed. The committee are also open to presentations of art, dance, folk music and others if related.
PSO encourages 365 day conferences, those that interact and network between actual meetings and where early postings of drafts encourage ongoing discussion. We try hard to provide continuity so those who attend can mark their calendars with confidence. Our conferences, like our journals, are central to our role in dissemination and conversation. The conference is free for both presenters and attendees, but registration is requested to plan for catering, headsets, and other conference needs. For information and registration please contact PSO Executive Director, Daniel Gutierrez, at  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The conference has a general interest in fraternalism and is not confined to Freemasonry, nor is it under the auspices of any lodge. Rather, it is supported by the National Library of France, the Policy Studies Organization, and the American Public University.

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