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Dupont Summit 2016 Program

Dupont Summit 2016 on Science, Technology, and Environmental Policy Issues
Friday December 2nd at the Historic Whittemore House
1526 New Hampshire Ave, NW, Washington DC


Track 1: Auditorium 
Track 2: 1870s Room
9:00am - 10:15am
Moderator: Tara K. Righetti, University of Wyoming, College of Law
Greyson Buckingham, Mesa Natural Gas Solutions
10:30am - 11:45am
Organizer: Connie L. McNeely, George Mason University
Moderator: Jong-on Hahm, George Washington University
Wenda Bauchspies, National Science Foundation (U.S.) Fahmida N. Chowdhury, National Science Foundation (U.S.) Kevin A. Clark, George Mason University
Erik W. Kuiler, George Mason University 
12:00pm - 1:15pm
Presenter: Huahua Xiao, University of Maryland, College Park
Presenter: Michael J. Gollner, University of Maryland, College Park
1:30pm - 2:45pm
Organizer: Connie L. McNeely, George Mason University
Moderator: Ester Sztein, National Academy of Sciences
Heng, Xu, Pennsylvania State University
Erik W. Kuiler, George Mason University
Nan Zhang, George Washington University/ U.S. National Science Foundation 
Ernest L. McDuffie, The Global McDuffie Group 
3:00pm - 4:15pm
Moderator: Marshall Eubanks, Asteroid Initiatives LLC
Martin Elvis, Harvard University 
Track 3: Library
9:00am - 10:15am
Organizer: Irina Khmelko, University of Tennessee 
Implementing Legislative Strengthening Programs:  Who is in Control?
David E. Guinn, SUNY Center for International Development 
Jeffrey D. Straussman, Rockefeller College of Public Affairs & Policy, University of Albany SUNY  
Mandatory Data Reporting: The Unused Tool in Legislative Oversight
Tomas Bridle, Independent Development Consultant
Legislative Roles in Addressing Major Impediments in the Process of Democratic Transition and Consolidation: The Case of the Ukrainian Parliament
Irina Khmelko, University of Tennessee 
Michael Bonnal, University of Tennessee 
The Role of the New Rarliament in the Stage of Economic Crisis: the Case of the Slovene National Assembly
Drago Zajc, University of Ljublijana 
Consolidation of or Resistance to Democracy: Democratization and the Turkish Grand National Assembly
Ömer Faruk Gençkaya, Marmara University 
10:30am - 11:45am 
Moderator and panelist: Irina Khmelko, University of Tennessee 
 Ömer Faruk Gençkaya, Marmara University, Turkey 
 David E. Guinn, SUNY Center for International Development  
 Robert Nakamura, Rockefeller College 
Greg Power, Global Partners Governance, UK 
Ellie Valentine, Implementer, Ukraine, Afghanistan 
Drago Zajc, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia 
12:00pm - 1:15pm
ModeratorHoward Ernst, United States Naval Academy 
 Karen Flack, United States Naval Academy 
 Joseph Smith, United States Naval Academy 
 Kurtis Swope, United States Naval Academy 
1:30pm - 2:45pm 
 Presenter: Max Gruenig, Ecologic Institute
Presenter: Brendan O’Donnell, Ecologic Institute 
3:00pm - 4:15pm
Moderator: Lisa Frehill, National Science Foundation and Energetics Technology Center
 David Chambers, NASA
 Sherry Marts, Association for Women in Science
 Jessie DeAro, National Science Foundation 
Track 4: Harriman
9:00am - 10:15am
 Moderator: Jessie Levin, Pomona College
 Lindsay Poirier, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 
 Christy Spackman, Harvey Mudd College
10:30am - 11:45am
 Moderator: Scott Sklar, The Stella Group Ltd. 
 Ray Clark, River Crossing Strategies
 Paul Sullivan, National Defense University 
12:00pm - 1:15pm
 Moderator: Arnauld Nicogossian, George Mason University
 James D Polk, NASA
 Richard Williams, NASA
 Charles Doarn, University of Cincinnati
1:30pm - 2:45pm
 Organizer: June Taylor, Get America Working 
 Moderator: Rob Wolcott, Get America Working
 Jerry Taylor, Niskanen Center
 Brent Blackwelder, Friends of the Earth, former president
3:00pm - 4:15pm
 Dean Garfield, Information Technology Industry Council
 Track 5: New Meeting Room
9:00am - 10:15am 
Presenter: Karen M. McCurdy, Georgia Southern University
 Daniel Benjamin, American Public University System
10:30am - 11:45am 
 Daniel Benjamin, American Public University System
 James Brinson, American Public University System
 Presenter: Carol Singer Neuvelt, The National Association for Environmental Management 
12:00pm - 1:15pm 
 Brent Lane, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
1:30pm - 2:45pm 
Kelly Chinners Reiss, American Public University System
Edward Albin, American Public University System
Daniel Benjamin, American Public University System 
Track 6: Pub
9:00am - 10:15am 
 Moderator: Thomas Woodson, Stony Brook University
 Dhanaraj Thakur, The Alliance for Affordable Internet/ The Web Foundation
 Michelle L'Archeveque Jones, USAID
Kartikeya Singh, Center for Global Development
 10:30am - 11:45am 
 Moderator: Stuart Umpleby, George Washington University
 Robert Knisely, Senior Civil Servant, Retired 
 Morris Bosin, Grant Thorton International Ltd. 
 Jason Jixuan Hu, Independent Researcher
12:00pm - 1:15pm
 Catherine Rudder, George Mason University
 A. Lee Fritschler, George Mason University
 Yon Jung Choi, George Mason University 
 1:30pm - 2:45pm 
 Keokam Kraisoraphong, Chulalongkorn University 
Presenter: Jungwoo Chun, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Promising New Scholarship and Complexity Conference: 3pm
Research: Adaptation to Climate Change in the Lake Champlain Basin: New Understanding through Complex Systems Modeling (RACC)  
Steve Scheinert, University of Vermont: Experimental Program to Stimulate Competitive
 3 PM
Sridhar Vedachalam, Johns Hopkins University
 3:20 PM
Natallia Telendii, Stony Brook University  
 3:40 PM
Cybersecurity Preemptive Imagining of Deterrence: A Sherlock Holmes Approach
Steve Rosario, University of North Carolina, Charlotte
 4 PM
 Emily Blackbourne, University of North Carolina, Charlotte
4:15 PM
Autimn Little, University of North Carolina, Charlotte
 4:30 PM
Katie Caison, University of North Carolina, Charlotte
 4:45 PM
Philosophical Society of Washington Lecture: 8pm
David Kaplan, Johns Hopkins University
Assertions and opinions in these presentations are solely those of the above-mentioned author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of The Policy Studies Organization, which expressly does not take positions on policies.