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Forum on Health, Homelessness, and Poverty Videos 2015

Welcome and Introductions
Mark Rozell, Dean, School of Policy, Government and International Affairs, George Mason University (invited)
Bonnie Stabile, Deputy Editor, World Medical & Health Policy Journal 
Keynote Remarks
Michael Gusmano, Hastings Center 
Changing Views of the Homeless
Chair: Jan Michael Sacharko, Director of Development, New Hope Housing
Taking a Structural, Transformative View on Health, Homelessness and Poverty
Paul Gorski, New Century College, George Mason University
Prevent Homelessness...At its Core
Richard R. Troxell, President of House the Homeless, Inc.
Permanent Supportive Housing: Linking Cost-Effectiveness and Quality-of- Life
Matthew Hanka, University of Southern Indiana
When Compassion Fails: The Quick Death of a Radical Right to Shelter
Katie Wells, Virginia Tech, Alexandria
The Causes of Homelessness and the Characteristics Associated with High Risk of Homelessness: A Review of Intercity and Intracity Data Methods
Deden Rukmana, Department of Political Science and Public Affairs, Savannah State University
Understanding Homelessness and Health in Particular Settings and Populations 
Chair: Katherine Anacker, Associate Professor, School of Policy, Government and International Affairs, George Mason University 
We Count, California!: A Statewide Capacity Building Effort to Improve Youth Inclusion in California’s Point-in-Time Homeless Counts
Jess Lin, S. Hyatt, L. Petry L, B. Jones, Coco Auerswald, UC Berkeley School of Public Health
Hungry and Homeless College Students
Yara Mowafy & Michael Galvin, George Mason University
Using Geospatial Methods to Navigate Shifting Patterns of Urban Vulnerability
Katherine Lester, University of North Texas
Policy Implications of a Healthy Community Collaborative Model for Individuals Experiencing Homelessness who also have a Mental Illness or Co-occurring Psychiatric and Substance Use Disorder
Jill Bellinger, University of Texas at Austin, Texas Institute for Excellence in Mental Health
Comparing Health Disparities and Outcomes within Hispanic Homeless and Poor Hispanic Populations in a Texas Border City
Ernesto Castañeda, Assistant Professor of Sociology, American University
Homelessness and Community Health: A Medical Education Perspective
Kim Bullock and Beverly Jackson, Georgetown University 
Escaping Poverty: Studies on Employment, Taxes, Affordable Housing, and Early Childhood Education
Chair: Derek Hyra, Associate Professor, School of Public Affairs, Department of Public Administration and Policy, and Director of the Metropolitan Policy Center, American University
Employment and Homelessness: The DC Employment Justice Research Project
Dan Kerr, Associate Professor, Department of History, American University
Employment, Poverty, and Policy Trends in the District of Columbia
Bradley Hardy, Assistant Professor, Department of Public Administration and Policy, American University
Saving Affordable Housing with Right-to-Buy? DC’s Tenant Opportunity to Purchase Act
Carolyn Gallaher, Associate Professor, School of International Services, American University
Poverty in Early Childhood
Taryn Morrissey, Assistant Professor, Department of Public Administration and Policy, American University