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Summit on Global Food Security and Health Videos 2017

NOVEMBER 15, 2017


Panel 1: The Interrelationship Between Global Food Security and National Security 
Moderator and Chair: Johanna Mendelson Forman, Distinguished fellow and Director, Food Security, Stimson Center
Rod Schoonover, Director, of Health, Environment, and Natural Resources, National Intelligence Council; former Senior Scientist, U.S. Department of State
Jeremy Konyndyk, Senior Policy Fellow, Expert in Humanitarian Response, Center for Global Development; former Director,  Office of U.S. Foreign Disaster Assistance, USAID
Rick Leach, President & Chief Executive Officer, WFP USA; formerly directed many health related campaigns for WHO and many other global advocacy organizations
Dina Esposito, Vice President For Technical Leadership, Mercy Corps; formerly Director, USAID Food For Peace Program
Panel 2: Private-Public Partnerships and a New Emphasis on Resilience in Food Security, Development, and National Security
Moderator and Chair: Emmy Simmons, Independent Consultant, CSIS Non-Resident Advisor; former USAID Assistant Administrator for Economic Growth
Paul Weisenfeld, Executive Vice President, International Development, RTI International; formerly Assistant to the Administrator, USAID Bureau For Food Security, and Senior Foreign Service Officer, including Mission Director in Zimbabwe and Peru  
Beth Dunford, Assistant To The Administrator, Deputy Coordinator for Development, Feed The Future, Bureau for Food Security, USAID
Julie Howard, PhD., Senior Advisor, International Studies Program, Michigan State University, “Developing Partnerships to Enhance a New Generation of African Farmers,” Former Chief Scientist, Bureau For Food Security, USAID




Panel 3: Food Security, Nutrition, and Health Policy Implementation
Moderator and Chair: Bonnie Stabile 
Bonnie D. Jenkins, Brookings Institution Visiting Fellow; “An Examination of How The U.S. Is Implementing The Global Security Health Security Agenda ‘Whole of Government Approach’
Asma Lateef, Executive Director, Bread For The World Institute, “Global Nutrition Update and Implications”
Alia El Mohandes, MD, MPA, Policy and Gender Advisor, Office of Civilian-Military Cooperation, USAID
Constance A. Gewa, PhD., Associate Professor, Department of Nutrition and Food Studies, College of Health and Human Services, George Mason University
Dereje T. Gebreegziabher, Master’s Student, Department of Nutrition and Food Studies, College of Health and Human Services, George Mason University
Panel 4: Food Security Policy and Food Aid Issues


Moderator and Chair: Phil Thomas
Asif M. Shahan, Associate Professor, Department of Development Studies, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh, ” From ‘Asian Enigma’ to the ‘Other Asian Enigma: Exploring Bangladesh’s Success Through the Lens of Governance”
Stephanie Mercier, International Food Aid Expert, former Chief Economist, Senate Agriculture Committee
Barry Riley, author of “The Political History of American Food Aid: An Uneasy Benevolence,” 2017; Visiting Fellow, The Center For Food Security and The Environment, Stanford University