Summit on Global Food Security and Health Videos 2016
Panel 1: The Many Dimensions of Global Food Security
Moderator and Chair: Wayne Ferris, Ph.D, Research Fellow, Global Food Security Project, Schar School of Policy and Government, George Mason University
Margaret Zeigler, Executive Director, Global Harvest Initiative
Julie Howard, Ph.D., Senior Advisor to Associate Provost and Dean International studies Programs, Michigan State University
Samantha Alvis, Ph.D., Assistant Director of International Programs and Development, Association of Public Land Grant Universities (APLU)
Panel 2, Part 1: The U.S. Government Response to Global Hunger
Moderator and Chair: Phil Thomas, Research Fellow, GMU Food Security Project
Tim Lavelle, USAID African Bureau, Former Aid to U.S. Ambassadors to UN Food Agencies
Saharah Moon Chapotin, Deputy Assistant to the Administrator, Bureau of Food Security, USAID
Susan Bradley, Senior Policy Advisor, Food For Peace, USAID
Panel 2, Part 2: The U.S. Government Response to Global Hunger
Michelle Benjamin Calhoun, Assistant Deputy Administrator, Policy, Coordination, Planning, Monitoring, and Evaluation, Foreign Agricultural Service, USDA
Reid Hamel, Ph.D., Research Fellow, Global Food Security Project, Center For Strategic and International Studies (CSIS)
Judith Rowland, Head of U.S. Policy and Advocacy, The Global Poverty Project
Deborah Saidy, Vice President for Policy, World Food Program USA
Stephanie Mercier, Ph.D., Expert Consultant, U.S. Global Food Aid Programs
Panel 3: Policy Perspective on Global and Local Risks to Health and Nutrition
Moderator and Chair: Yuko Akune, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Reitaku University, Japan
Clare Brock, MA Kristie Kelly, Department of Government, University of Texas at Austin
“Pennies for Pounds: Soda Consumption and Taxation as a Test of Self-Interested Voting Behavior”
Daniel G. Graetzer, Ph.D. APUS School of Health Sciences
“Unrestricted Ammonia-Based Cropland Fertilization: Global Food Security vs. Health Risk”
Ana Poblacion, Ph.D.; John T. Cook; Allison Bovell; Richard Sheward; Stephanie Ettinger de Cuba; Justin Pasquariello; Diana Cutts, Children's HealthWatch, Boston Medical Center
“Treatment Plan for Hunger: SNAP, WIC, and the Community Eligibility Provision?”
Panel 4: The Many Challenges of Nutrition and Public Health
Moderator and Chair: Constance Gewa, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Department of Nutrition and Food Studies, College of Health and Human Services, George Mason University
Asma Lateef, Director, Bread For The World Institute
Emmy Simmons, Ph.D., Global Panel on Agriculture and Food Systems for Nutrition (GAIN)
Bill Garvelink, Senior Policy Advisor, International Medical Corps