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EMG SIG 2013 Appendix


Additional Files for Mitigating High-Impact Threats to Critical Infrastructure



The following documents provide additional background material for the topics covered in these proceedings. The appendix entries of public documents below are hyperlinked so that readers can gain direct access to the documents. For example, many of the considerable number of documents submitted to the Maine PUC are itemized according to their list of comments and filings linked in this bibliography but the complete collection can be obtained after registration by going to their website at: and looking up case 2013-00415.




Baker, Daniel; “New Twists in Earth’s Radiation Belts,” American Scientist # Vol. 102, 2014—Rings of high-energy particles encircling our planet change more than researchers realized. Those variations could amplify damage from solar storms. feature/2014/5/new-twists-in-earths-radiation-belts


Dobbins, R.; C. J. Schrijver, C.J: Murtagh, W.;Petrinic, M.; “Assessing the impact of space weather on the electric power grid based on insurance claims for industrial electrical equipment” Space Weather Journal, Wiley; July 2014. Authors review ten years of insurance claims linking damage to regular space weather effects.


EMP Commission documents ( This includes the Executive Summary Report of 2004 and the Final Report of 2008. EMP MIL SPEC 188.125 for EMP Protection


Kemp, John; Reuters, Feb 18, 2014, “U.S. orders power grid to prepare for solar storms:” http://www. 2


Resilient Societies


FERC Rulings and Publications

Rule 779 on Geomagnetic Disturbances, See 143 FERC 61,147, United State of America, Fed- eral Energy Regulatory Commission, 18 CFR Part 40, [Docket No. RM12-22-000; Or- der No. 779], Reliability Standards for Geomagnetic Disturbances  (Issued May 16, 2013)


FERC Remand of NERC Cyber Regulations 

142 FERC 61,204, United States of America, Federal Ener- gy Regulatory Commission, Docket No. RD12-5-000

FERC, Executive Summary, Effects of EMP on Electric Power Grid


FERC, LaFleur, Cheryl A.; Acting Chairman before Committee on Energy and Commerce, Sub- committee on Energy and Power, United States House of Representatives, Hearing on the Role of FERC in a Changing Energy Landscape, Dec. 5, 2013.


JOINT MEETING OF THE NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION AND THE FEDERAL ENERGY REGULATORY COMMISSION” AD06-6-000, Friday, June 15, 2012, 9:30-11:30 a.m. (covers discussion between FERC, NRC and NERC on solar storm effects on the grid.



Nuclear Regulatory Commission      

Long-Term Cooling and Unattended Water Makeup of Spent Fuel Pools, NRC-2011-0069 (Phased rule making in response to Petition fromTom Popik on GMD impacts on ability to cool spent fuel rods.)!documentDetail;D=NRC-2011-0069-0109


Station Blackout Mitigation Strategies [NRC-2011-0299] nrc-2011-0299-
               Summary: The NRC published an Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (ANPR) on March 20, 2012 (77 FR 16175), to seek public comments on potential changes to the Commission’s regulations that address a condition known as station blackout (SBO). SBO involves the loss of all onsite and offsite alternating current (ac) power at a nuclear power plant. A central objective of this rulemaking would be to make generically applicable requirements previously imposed on licensees by EA-12-049 “Order Modifying Licenses with regard to Requirements for Mitigating Strategies for Beyond- Design-Basis External Events,” while ensuring that the new requirements are properly integrated with the existing SBO requirements in 10 CFR 50.63. This regulatory ac- tion is one of the near-term actions based on lessons-learned stemming from the March 2011, Fukushima Daichi event in Japan. Includes references to GMD impacts.

           Also see:



Significant Press Article on High-impact Threats          

NASA Website on July 2012 Solar Storm Near Miss, July 23, 2014.


Washington Post Editorial Board on Solar Storms, August 9, 2014 weather-threatens-to-leave-the-us-in-the-dark/2014/08/09/22782cd4-1c26-11e4-82f9-2cd6fa8da5c4_story.html



Wall Street Journal Articles     

Ryan, Tracy, WSJ, May 14, 2014, “Here Comes the Sun Storm,”
Smith, Rebecca, WSJ, Feb. 5, 2014; “Assault on California Power Station Raises Alarm on Potential for Terrorism”—‘April Sniper Attack Knocked Out Substation, Raises Concern for Country’s Power Grid.’            


Smith, Rebecca, WSJ, Mar. 12, 2014 “U.S. Risks National Blackout From Small-Scale Attack—Federal Analysis Says Sabotage of Nine Key Substations Is Sufficient for Broad Outage.”    


Smith, Rebecca, WSJ, Mar. 4, 2014 “Transformers Expose Limits in Securing Power Grid.”




Bibliography of Comments Filed with the Maine Public Utility Commission Docket 2013-00415 for LD 131 in 2013

The Sage Policy Group, economic impact report, Initial Economic Assessment of Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) Impact upon the Baltimore-Washington-Richmond Region, September 10, 2007 


Ambassador R. James Woolsey, letter to State of Maine, Maine Should Protect Its Electric Grid From Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) 


R. James Woolsey, testimony, Testimony Before the House Committee on Energy and Commerce, May 21, 2013


Electric Infrastructure Security Council, comments for MPUC and attachments, Inquiry into Measures to Mitigate the Effects of Geomagnetic Disturbances and Electromagnetic Pulse On the Transmission System in Maine, October 4, 2013


Advanced Fusion Systems LLC, statement of capabilities, Advanced Fusion Systems LLC Hardware and Test Capabilities, October 4, 2013 

Foundation for Resilient Societies, comments to MPUC, Comments of The Foundation for Resilient Societies in Response to 14 Questions Propounded by the Public Utilities Commission of the State of Maine Together with Appendices, October 4, 2013

Foundation for Resilient Societies, Appendix 1 of 4 to comments to MPUC, Response to NERC Request for Comments on Geomagnetic Disturbance Planning Application Guide, August 9, 2013

Foundation for Resilient Societies, Appendix 2 of 4 to comments to MPUC, Comments of The Foun- dation for Resilient Societies Before the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, Reliability Standards for Geomagnetic Disturbances, Docket No. RM12-22-000, December 24, 2012

 Foundation for Resilient Societies, Appendix 3 of 4 to comments to MPUC, Comments of The Foun- dation for Resilient Societies Before the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, Reliability Standards for Geomagnetic Disturbances, Docket No. RM12-22-000, April 1, 2013

Foundation for Resilient Societies, Appendix 4 of 4 to comments to MPUC, Comments of The Foun- dation for Resilient Societies Before the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, Reliability Standards for Geomagnetic Disturbances, Docket No. RM12-22-000, May 14, 2013

Emprimus LLC, answers to questions arising from MPUC Interim Report, LD 131, Resolve, Directing the Public Utilities Commission To Examine Measures To Mitigate the Effects of Geomagnetic Disturbances and Electromagnetic Pulses on the State’s Transmission System – Interim Report

Task Force on National and Homeland Security, comments by Dr. Peter Vincent Pry, Rebuttal to Pub- lic Utilities Commission Report That Recommends Doing Nothing to Protect the Maine Electric Grid from Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) and Other Threats, December 10, 2013


EMP Coalition, letter to Maine state legislature warning against “improvements” by the Maine PUC


Cynthia Ayers, comments to MPUC, Comments on Public Utilities Commission Report IAW Resolves 2013, Ch. 45 Relating to Geomagnetic Disturbance (GMD) and Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) 

Chuck Manto, transcript of speaker comments from DuPont Summit, InfraGard National EMP SIG Sessions at the Dec.6, 2013 Dupont Summit, Washington, DC, December 6, 2013

Emprimus LLC, comments to MPUC, Response to Draft Report on GMD/EMP Risk to Maine Power Grid, December 18, 2013


Foundation for Resilient Societies, recommendations to Maine legislature, Recommendations of The Foundation for Resilient Societies to Strengthen the Final Report of the Maine Public Utilities Commission to the Maine State Legislature on Mitigation of Geomagnetic Disturbances and Electric Magnetic Pulse Risks to the Maine Electric Grid, December 18, 2013


Center for Security Policy, statement by Frank Gaffney for the MPUC, Statement by Frank J. Gaffney, Jr., December 18, 2013


Center for Security Policy, web log entry by Frank Gaffney on insights gained from the 2013 DuPont


Summit of the InfraGard National Electromagnetic Pulse Special Interest Group (EMP SIG)


Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, letter to MPUC, Re: Maine Public Utilities Commission Initi- ated Inquiry Into Measures To Mitigate The Effects of Geomagnetic Disturbances and Electromagnetic Pulse On The Transmission System IIn Maine Docket No. 2013-00415, December 23, 2013


Civilian EMP Rating System and Sample Methods to Protect Control Systems and Networks See document {365F6715-9070-4A28-8889-AEC2F57F0595} at



Bibliography of Filings of the Maine Public Utilities Commission Docket 2013-00415 on LD131 concerning Electromagnetic Pulse and Geomagnetic Storms

Maine Public Utilities Commission, Notice of Inquiry, Inquiry into Measures to Mitigate the Effects Of Geomagnetic Disturbances and Electromagnetic Pulse On the Transmission System in Maine, August 21, 2013


Metatech Corp., William Radasky memo to Andrea Boland, Role of Assessments for Geomagnetic Storm Protection, September 4, 2013


ISO New England Inc., letter to Maine PUC, Requested Information from ISO New England in Docket No. 2013-00415, Inquiry into Measures to Mitigate the Effects of Geomagnetic Distur- bances and Electromagnetic Pulse on the Transmission System in Maine, October 4, 2013


Emprimus LLC, memo to Maine PUC, Emprimus LLC Answers to Maine PUC Inquiry Questions


Foundation for Resilient Societies, filing submitted to FERC, Comments on Reliability Stand- ards for Geomagnetic Disturbances, Docket No. RM12-22-000, April 1, 2013


Aon Benfield, risk management report, Geomagnetic Storms, January, 2013


National Defense University, Richard Andres letter to Andrea Boland summarizing research on the threat of EMP to the US electric grid, November 16, 2011


Maine House of Representatives, Andrea Boland letter to Maine PUC with linked attachments, Comments in Support of PUC Docket 2013-00415, October 4, 2013

Storm Analysis Consultants, John Kappenman memo to Maine PUC with embedded attach- ments, Comments of John G. Kappenman, Storm Analysis Consultants


Foundation for Resilient Societies, written testimony, Written Testimony Before Joint Standing Committee on Energy, Utilities and Technology, State of Maine Legislature Regarding Legislative Document 131, An Act to Secure the Safety of Electrical Power Transmission Lines, March 5, 2013


Task Force on National and Homeland Security, memo from Dr. Peter Vincent Pry to Andrea


Boland, “Quick Fix” EMP Protection for the Maine Electric Grid, March 28, 2013


Andrea Boland, memo to Maine PUC referencing multiple supporting documents, Comments on Maine PUC Docket 2013-00415, EMP/GMD Mitigation Study: LD 131


Maine State Legislature, body of LD 131 plus 1 of 2 groups of written testimony Maine State Legislature, 2 of 2 groups of LD 131 written testimony 



Andrea Boland, text of speech to Maine Energy, Utilities, and Technology Committee, Intro- duce LD131, An Act to Secure the Safety of Electrical Power Transmission Lines in Maine, Febru- ary 19, 2013


Central Maine Power, letter to Maine PUC with attachments, MAINE PUBLIC UTILITIES COM- MISSION, Inquiry into Measures to Mitigate the Effects Of Geomagnetic Disturbances and Elec- tromagnetic Pulse On the Transmission System in Maine, Docket No. 2013-415, October 4, 2013

Foundation for Resilient Societies, comments to Maine PUC, Supplemental & Reply Comments of the Foundation for Resilient Societies Submitted to the Public Utilities Commission of the State of Maine, October 15, 2013

Bangor Hydro Electric Company, memo to Maine PUC, Comments of Bangor Hydro Electric Company and Maine Public Service Company, October 4, 2013


Task Force on National and Homeland Security, Cynthia Ayers comments to Maine PUC, Maine PUC Questions on GMD/EMP Study, October 4, 2013


Electric Infrastructure Security Council, The International E-Pro Report; International Electric Grid Protection, a Report Summarizing the Status of National Electric Grid Evaluation and Protection Against Electromagnetic Threats in 11 Countries, September 2013


 Andrea Boland, memo to Maine PUC, Comments of Representative Andrea Boland, October 15, 2013


State of Maine PUC Office of the Public Advocate, memo to Maine PUC, Comments of the Office of the Public Advocate, October 15, 2013


Task Force on National and Homeland Security, paper from Dr. Peter Vincent Pry to Maine PUC, A North Korean Nuclear Pearl Harbor?


Task Force on National and Homeland Security, paper from Dr. Peter Vincent Pry to Maine PUC, Maine’s Battle to Save America


Task Force on National and Homeland Security, memo by Dr. Peter Vincent Pry, Dr. Fred Iklé, Professor Cynthia Ayers, Brig. Gen. Kenneth Chrosniak with foreword by Dr William R. Gra- ham, Civil-Military Preparedness for an  Electromagnetic Pulse Catastrophe


Maine House of Representatives, Andrea Boland letter to Maine PUC in response to the Public Advocate’s comments on Docket 2013-00415, October 16, 2013


 Maine Public Utilities Commission, draft report, Draft Report in Accordance with Resolves 2013, Ch. 45 Relating to Geomagnetic Disturbance and Electromagnetic Pulse, December 6, 2013


 Ambassador Henry Cooper, memo to Maine PUC, Comments of Ambassador Henry F. Cooper, December 16, 2013


Andrea Boland, memo to Maine PUC, Comments of Representative Andrea Boland in response to Draft Report, December 18, 2013


Maine Public Utilities Commission, report, Report to the Legislature Pursuant to Resolves 2013, Ch. 45, Regarding Geomagnetic Disturbances (GMD) and Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP), January 20, 2014


Central Maine Power, appendix 1 of 2 to MPUC January 14, 2014 report, GMD-EMP Risk Anal- ysis, January 20, 2014


NPCC Inc., appendix 2 of 2 to MPUC January 14, 2014 report, Document C-15, Procedures for Solar Magnetic Disturbances Which Affect Electric Power Systems, January 11, 2007


Infragard Videos 2013

Dupont Summit 2013 - Infragard EMP SIG Auditorium Panels
Place: The Historic Whittemore House, Washington, DC
1. Introduction
Mr. Charles (Chuck) Manto, InfraGard National EMP SIG Chairman
Ms. Mary Lasky, Program Manager, Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory
FBI Section Chief Peter Trahon, Cyber Division
Dr. Dane Egli, Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory
Strengthening Security and Resilience in the 21st Century
Dr. Dane Egli, National Security Advisor, Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory
2. Federal, State and Utility Plans for Grid Protection
Congressman Roscoe Bartlett, Ph.D., of Maryland
Dr. Chris Beck, Vice President, Policy and Strategic Initiatives, Electric Infrastructure Security Council
Dr. Peter Vincent Pry, Executive Director, National Task Force on Homeland Security
Mr. Richard Waggel, FERC
Honorable R. James Woolsey, Chairman of the Foundation for Defense of Democracies and a Venture Partner with Lux Capital, former Director of Central Intelligence
3. The FBI, DHS, DoD and the National Governors Association Public/Private Plans to Mitigate Cyber Threats against CI
Dr. Frank Kesterman, Professor of Homeland Security and Cyber Security, University of Maryland University College
Mr. Thomas MacLellan, Director, Homeland Security and Public Safety Division, National Governors Association
Mr. Trent Teyema, FBI Washington Field Office, Assistant Special Agent in Charge
Mr. William O. (Bill) Waddell, Director, Mission Command and Cyberspace Group, Center for Strategic Leadership and Development, US Army War College
Mr. Robin Montana Williams, CWDP, Chief, National Cybersecurity Education and Awareness Branch, Department of Homeland Security
4. Latest Idaho National Laboratory Research Data on GMD Impacts to Power Grid Infrastructure
Mr. Scott McBride, National and Homeland Security, Critical Infrastructure Protection & Resilience, Idaho National Laboratory
5. Updates on Space Weather Threats for Power and Communications
Mr. William Murtagh, Program Coordinator, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration/National Weather Service Space Weather Prediction Center
6. Planning for High-Impact Disasters in Light of Recent Disasters
Major General Robert Newman, former Adjutant General of Virginia
Dr. Paul Stockton, former Assistant Secretary of Defense for Homeland Defense
7. Panel: Planning for EMP and High-Impact Disasters
Dr. Richard Andres, Chairman, Energy Security Program, NDU
BG (NYG-Ret) Kenneth Chrosniak
Ambassador Henry F. Cooper, Chairman, High Frontier
MG (Red) Robert Newman, US Army retired and former Adjutant General of Virginia
Dr. Paul Stockton, former Assistant Secretary of Defense for Homeland Defense
8. Cost-Effective Electric Power Grid Mitigation in 2014
Mr. George Anderson, Founder and Chairman of the Board, Emprimus
Dr. William Joyce, Chairman, President, Advanced Fusion Systems
Mr. Gale Nordling, President and CEO, Emprimus
9. Cost-Effective Financing Micro-Grids for Critical Infrastructure
Mr. Jeff Weiss, Cofounder and Managing Director, Distributed Sun
10. Cost-Effective EMP Protection for Communications Networks and Power Sources
Dr. George Baker, Professor Emeritus, James Madison University
Mr. David Oppenheimer, Pathion
11. Energy Security Impacts on the Data Center Industry
Mr. Thomas Popik, Chairman, Foundation for Resilient Societies
Mr. Michael Caruso, ETS-Lindgren
Dr. George Baker, Professor Emeritus, James Madison University
12. Maine Legislation on Power Grid Protection from Manmade and Natural EMP
Maine State Representative Andrea Boland
13. Concluding Remarks and Next Steps for EMP SIG Working Group
Mr. Chuck Manto and Guests
Mr. Arnold Kishi, President of Hawaii InfraGard Members Alliance
Mr. Bron Cikotas, former executive from the Defense Nuclear Agency

Dupont Summit 2013 Program



Dupont Summit 2013 on Science, Technology, and Environmental Policy Issues
Friday December 6th at the Historic Whittemore House
1526 New Hampshire Ave, NW, Washington DC
2013 Speakers and Topics
View the schedule at a glance. All the sessions in this schedule are listed below, in consecutive track order. Click on each of the sessions below to read the abstracts and speakers' biographies. Note sessions in tracks 4 and 5 are 30-minute sessions for individual speakers, while the rest are panels in 1-hour sessions.
As in previous years, this year's event ended with a lecture in the evening, co-sponsored by the Policy Studies Organization, organized as part of a Lecture Series by the Philosophical Society of Washington. Locate the entry and the link at the bottom of the list of sessions below.
As in 2012, Infragard National's EMP SIG held a meeting at the Dupont Summit on Mitigating High Impact-Threats to Critical Infrastructure. Panel discussions focused on cost-effective ways to mitigate these threats including the use of hardening centralized systems such as the grid and emergency communications, and providing local solutions such as distributed energy systems and communications. Infragard is an FBI sponsored non-profit association of individuals interested in the security of critical infrastructure.

I. VENUE: Whittemore House - Main Auditorium
8:30 am - 5:30 pm
Chair: Chuck Manto, Infragard National EMP SIG Manager
Confirmed to date: Former Director of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) Hon. James Woolsey, Assistant Secretary of Defense for Homeland Security Paul Stockton, Congressman Roscoe Bartlett, and many others. Click here to see the InfraGard EMP SIG portion of the Dupont Summit program. Dupont Summit attendees are invited to attend these sessions as well.
II. VENUE: Whittemore House - 1870's Room, Library, Blair Room, Harriman Room, Past Presidents Room
Track 1 - 1870's Room
9:00 - 9:50 am
Chair: Bonnie Stabile, George Mason University
Julie Fischer, George Washington University
Rebecca Katz, George Washington University
Michael Ingerson-Mahar, US Department of Defense
Matthew Lim, US Department of Health and Human Services
10:00 - 10:50 am
Chair: Whitney Shepard, Policy Studies Organization
Richard G. Boehm, Texas State University
Carmen P. Brysch, National Geographic Society
11:00 - 11:50 pm
Chair: Karan Powell, American Public University
Diana H. Fishbein, RTI International
William A. Aldridge, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Kenneth M. Jones, Annie E. Casey Foundation
Talib Horne, Living Classrooms Foundation
Robert C. Scott, United States House of Representatives
12:00 - 12:50 pm
Organizer: Connie L. McNeely, George Mason University
Chair: Jong-on Hahm, National Science Foundation
Laurie Schintler, George Mason University
Rajendra G. Kulkarni, George Mason University
Patricia White, National Science Foundation
R. Saylor Breckenridge, National Science Foundation
Roger Stough, George Mason University
Janine Wedel, George Mason University
Vasant Honavar, Pennsylvania State University
Scott Weidman, National Academy of Sciences
1:00 - 1:50 pm
Chair: Shirley Fiske, University of Maryland
Ed Liebow, American Anthropological Association
Christine Miller Hesed, University of Maryland
Satsuki Takahashi, George Mason University
Susan Crate, George Mason University
2:00 - 2:50 pm
Chair: Dominic Marcellino, Ecologic Institute
Michael Orbach, Duke University
Grit Martinez, Ecologic Institute
3:00 - 3:50 pm
Chair: Matthew Brewer, Policy Studies Organization
Models, Science Prototyping, and the Macro-Micro World of Energy
Clarissa Ai Ling Lee, Duke University
Representing Climate Change in Fiction: Attempts and Challenges
Stephanie Bernhard, University of Virginia
Converting Grass Into Gas: What Are the Implications of reconstituting plants as energy crops for biofuels?
Marcia Davitt, Virginia Tech
(De)visualizing Disaster: Assessing Discursive Strategies to Render the Gulf Oil Spill Invisible
Jennifer L. Lawrence, Virginia Tech
Track 2 - Library
9:00 - 9:50 am
Chair: Jill Kurtz, American Public University
Kristen Obst, American Public University
Molly Whitworth, American Public University
10:00 - 10:50 am
Chair: Arnauld Nicogossian, George Mason University
Moderator: Naoru Koizumi, George Mason University
Roger Stough, George Mason University
Laurie Schintler, George Mason University
11:00 - 11:50 pm
Chair: Jeffrey Stiefel, DHS
Moderator: Arnauld Nicogossian, George Mason University
Darrin Donato, HHS-ASPR
Paula Scalingi, Bay area Center for Regional Disaster Resilience, The Scalingi Group
12:00 - 12:50 pm
Chair: Karan Powell, American Public University
Jon Allan, Office of the Great Lakes, Michigan
Kathryn Buckner, Council of Great Lakes Industries
George Heartwell, Mayor, Grand Rapids Michigan; Great Lakes-St. Lawrence Cities Initiative
Allegra Cangelosi, Northeast-Midwest Institute
1:00 - 1:50 pm 
Chair: Jill Kurtz, American Public University
Melissa Layne, American Public University
Phil Ice, American Public University
Sarah Canfield-Fuller, American Public University
2:00 - 2:50 pm
Chair: Guillermo Izabal, PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
Dan Benjamin, American Public University System
Danny Welsch, American Public University System
3:00 - 3:50 pm
Chair: Rahmin Bender, Policy Studies Organization
SpaceSoc's Public Campaign to Take Humans to Mars
Tom E. Diffenbach, SpaceSoc
Anmol Singh, SpaceSoc

Lifeboat Foundation's Response to NASA's Asteroid Initiative Public Engagement Request
Kevin Berry, Legendary Projects
Track 3 - Blair Room
9:00 - 9:30 am
Chair: Rex Kallembach, Kallembach & Associates
Graham Bullock, Davidson College
9:30 - 10:00 am
Chair: Rex Kallembach, Kallembach & Associates
Jason O'Leary, Arizona State University
10:00 - 10:50 am 
Chair: Walter D. Valdivia, The Brookings Institution
Rachelle D. Hollander, National Academy of Engineering
India Hook-Barnard, National Academy of Sciences
Jathan Sadowski, Arizona State University
11:00 - 11:50 pm
Chair: Rahmin Bender
Angela Matysiak, Policy Studies Organization
Kathryn Morris, Southern New Hampshire University
Preeti Dhillon, PLAN International USA
12:00 - 12:50 pm
Chair: Mahmud Farooque, Arizona State University
Darlene Cavalier, Arizona State University
Kathryn C. Reeves, University of Michigan
Chang Liu, Arizona State University
Peter Donlevy, The Highland Group, Inc.

1:00 - 1:50 pm
Chair: Whitney Shepard, Policy Studies Organization
Martin Dudziak, The Lifeboat Foundation
Gordon Miller, G3 Systems, Inc.
Rao Mandava, TetraDyn LTD.
Viktor Sokolyuk, Church World Service Immigration and Refugee Program
2:00 - 2:50 pm
Partnering To Help Align STEM Push and Pull
Chair: Sandra Chapman
Michael M. Simpson, QinetiQ-North America
Jason Feser, Office of Naval Research
3:00 - 3:50 pm
Chair: Guillermo Izabal, PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
A General Theory of Regulation: Implications for Science Policy and Educational Policy
Stuart A. Umpleby, George Washington University
Reframing Federal Microgrid Development
Kent C. Meyers, Leidos
Reflexivity of the Ocean and the Human
Peter Tuddenham, The College of Exploration
When Good Enough is Better than Best: Cybernetics and Design, Preconditions and Policy
Ranulph Glanville, American Society for Cybernetics
Track 4 - Harriman Room
9:00 - 9:30 am
Chair: Guillermo de los Reyes, University of Houston
Michael Halpern, RTI International
9:30 - 10:00 am
Chair: Guillermo de los Reyes, University of Houston
Dustin Ashley, Mountain Empire Community College/Southwest Virginia Community College
10:00 - 10:30 am
Chair: Guillermo de los Reyes, University of Houston
John Larson, National Association of Conservation Districts
10:30 - 11:00 am
Chair: Guillermo de los Reyes, University of Houston
Mark Focht, American Society of Landscape Architects
11:00 - 11:50 pm
Panel on Nuclear Energy Policy Issues
Chair: David Oppenheimer, Pathion Inc.
Paula Gordon, Lifeboat Foundation
Jim A. Hamilton, National Spent Fuel Collaborative
12:00 - 12:50 pm
Chair: Rahmin Bender, Policy Studies Organization
Mark Riccardi, American Military University
Robert Redding, American Military University
John Dolan Redding, American Military University
1:00 - 1:30 pm
Chair: Matthew Brewer, Policy Studies Organization
Horace Walcott, Brooklyn Technical Highschool
1:30 - 2:00 pm
Chair: Matthew Brewer, Policy Studies Organization
Manuel Perez, BSA Compliance
2:00 - 2:50 pm
Andras Kornai, Hungarian Academy of Sciences; Computer and Automation Research Institute
Kathleen Egan, Department of Defense
Terence Langendoen, University of Arizona; National Science Foundation
3:00 - 3:50 pm
Panel on Current Space Policy Issues
Chair: Marshall Eubanks, Asteroid Initiatives LLC
Joseph N. Pelton, Space and Advanced Communications Research Institute
Amalie Sinclair, Leeward Space Foundation
Track 5 - Past Presidents Room
9:00 - 9:30 am
Chair: Nicholas Heisig, University of Houston
Sunny Lee, Institute for Korea-US Political Development
9:30 - 10:00 am
Chair: Nicholas Heisig, University of Houston
Marta Makowska, Warsaw University of Life Sciences
10:00 - 10:30 am
Chair: Nicholas Heisig, University of Houston
Phil Ice, American Public University System
10:30 - 11:00 am
Chair: Nicholas Heisig, University of Houston
Robert McCreight, George Washington University
11:00 - 11:30 am
Chair: Rex Kallembach, Kallembach & Associates
Vivian E. Thomson, University of Virginia
11:30 - 12:00 pm
Chair: Rex Kallembach, Kallembach & Associates
Rita Wells, Idaho National Laboratory
12:00 - 12:30 pm
Chair: Rex Kallembach, Kallembach & Associates
Robert Atkinson, Information Technology and Innovation Foundation
12:30 - 1:00 pm
Chair: Rex Kallembach, Kallembach & Associates
Tom Lewis, The Louis Berger Group
1:00 - 1:30 pm
Dan Riffle, Marijuana Policy Project
1:30 - 2:00 pm
Chair: Liz Johnson, University of North Carolina-Charlotte
David Pearce Snyder, The Futurist
3:00 - 3:50 pm
Chair: Meg Abraham, The Aerospace Corp
Keith Henson, Lifeboat Foundation
John Strickland, Lifeboat Foundation
II. VENUE: John Wesley Powell Auditorium*, evening session, 8:15 pm, as part of a Lecture Series of the Philosophical Society of Washington
Daniel L. Goroff, Vice President and Program Director at the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation
*Held at the John Wesley Powell Auditorium, adjacent to the Cosmos Club, 2170 Florida Avenue NW, Washington DC 20008. Entrance is through the club gate, the first right-hand entrance on Florida Avenue north of the intersection with Massachusetts Avenue NW. The auditorium entrance is to the left of the gate.
Assertions and opinions in these presentations are solely those of the above-mentioned author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of The Policy Studies Organization, which expressly does not take positions on policies. 

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